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一般工程完成時間?工程日數主要視乎工程項目大小,例如:全屋裝修或是局部裝修、屋苑需求 (部份屋苑不允許周末裝修)、工程內容 (訂造傢俬等)、師傅班底數目及客人時間要求等。一般而言,300-500 呎單位全屋裝修約需要 70 個工作天;500-700 呎約 80 個工作天;700-900 單位約 90 個工作天。
牆紙 vs 牆布牆紙好處:施工快、價錢便宜、牆紙圖案款式多,假如家中有喜歡塗鴉的小朋友,牆紙能讓他們發揮創意,以免在潔白的牆壁上畫畫。 牆紙缺點:容易被刮花,不便於清潔,容易褪色、變黃,加上香港潮濕環境,容易發霉和翹起,使用壽命較短。 牆布好處:無縫牆布使用無縫黏貼可以避免翹起、裂開;較透氣,防潮防霉;耐磨,牆布清潔較容易,較持久;較環保,沒有異味;牆布款式較有質感。 牆布缺點:牆布價錢比牆紙貴
How long does a decorating project take?The finish time of a decorating project depends on the complexity of the project. For example, whole house interior decoration or part of the house interior decoration, number of decorating workers and client's request about finishing time, etc. For a 300-500 square feet house, it takes around 70 days. For a 500-700 square feet house, it takes around 80 days. For a 700-900 square feet house, it takes around 90 days.
Will the decoration workers propose additional fees after starting the decoration project?We will list every detail on the quotation in order to avoid additional fees. Normally, there are no additional fees. Under some situations, there is a chance for additional fees. For example, building defects, problems with water seepage, etc.
What should I notice after finishing the decoration project?The client should take notice of the contract and design of the interior design, whether it fulfills your request. If there are any problems, you should take photos which help us to do follow up. Most importantly, you should clean the house after the decoration project. At the same time, you should open your windows for ventilation around 1 to 2 months so that it can reduce the absorption of formaldehyde.
What should I consider about the interior design?You should plan out your ideal interior design and prepare some relevant pictures to our interior designer for reference. At the same time, you should consider the style of the decoration. Most importantly, you should match your ideas or lifestyle into interior design.
Wallpaper vs Wall CoveringBenefits for wallpaper: It is comparatively cheap with many patterns of wallpaper. Also, it can avoid the problems of kid's painting on the wall Drawbacks for wallpaper: It is easier to scratch out and the color of the wallpaper is easier to fade out. At the same time, it is not convenient for cleaning. Under the moist environment in Hong Kong, it is easier to become moldy and the life cycle of wallpaper is short. Benefits for wall covering: The life cycle of wall covering is longer and it is easier for cleaning. Most importantly, it is mold and moisture resistant under the moist environment in Hong Kong. A drawback for wall covering: It is more expensive than wallpaper.
一般工程完成时间?工程日数主要视乎工程项目大小,例如:全屋装修或是局部装修、屋苑需求(部份屋苑不允许周末装修)、工程内容(订造家俬等)、师傅班底数目及客人时间要求等。一般而言,300-500 呎单位全屋装修约需要 70 个工作天;500-700 呎约 80 个工作天;700-900 单位约 90 个工作天。
墙纸 vs 墙布墙纸好处:施工快、价钱便宜、墙纸图案款式多,假如家中有喜欢涂鸦的小朋友,墙纸能让他们发挥创意,以免在洁白的墙壁上画画。 墙纸缺点:容易被刮花,不便于清洁,容易褪色、变黄,加上香港潮湿环境,容易发霉和翘起,使用寿命较短。 墙布好处:无缝墙布使用无缝黏贴可以避免翘起、裂开;较透气,防潮防霉;耐磨,墙布清洁较容易,较持久;较环保,没有异味;墙布款式较有质感。 墙布缺点:墙布价钱比墙纸贵
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